This summer will have been punctuated by several exports to Ukraine. Thanks to a real teamwork and the seriousness of our faithful Ukrainian partner, all these exports were successful!
About 1,000 animals from AXIOM breeding and selection farms set off for Ukraine in the summer of 2020. In order to ensure the well-being of the animals and to guarantee an irreproachable sanitary condition, the AXIOM teams and all the partners involved have followed a rigorous protocol for each of the 5 exports.
Among these 1,000 animals, gilts Adénia and Youna, and boars Duroc, Piétrain, Large-White and Landrace AXIOM from different French farms arrived by trucks at a unique AXIOM assembly center.
This site, with facilities dedicated to animal welfare, allows us to welcome animals in the best conditions and limit all forms of stress. In order to ensure their good health, teams were mobilized to feed and monitor the animals every day before their departure.
For each day of departure, fixed on Friday, the AXIOM veterinarian examined the interior of the trucks of our Polish service provider, after a compulsory disinfection, to avoid any sanitary risk before loading the animals.
A total of 7 trucks took the road to Ukraine during August and September. Each trip, lasting 3 to 4 days, was interrupted by an obligatory 24-hour stopover in the Czech Republic, in an approved “control-post”.
This summer’s exports have supplied 5 Ukrainian farms with up to 2,000 sows.
2 more exports are expected by the end of the year, with about 700 hybrid and purebred animals.